The dID cluster (Interior and Design) is the leader of the RE-CENTRE EUROCLUSTER project (over € 1mln for companies!) in which companies from the interior-furnishing, energy and IT sectors collaborate to tackle the digital and green transition together.

To date dID is following the implementation of a mapping of the regional and national system linked to the INTERIOR DESIGN sector with the aim of INVOLVING INTERESTED COMPANIES IN THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES’:

  • INNOVATION/ voucher of 52.000,00k€ for innovation projects related to the digital and sustainable transition in the sector TO BE CONDUCTED IN COLLABORATION (MANDATORY) with another company or Research Organization for feasibility studies, product innovation, Process, adoption of technologies…
  • TRAINING / free training actions
  • INTERNATIONALIZATION/ voucher of 250€ for participation in b2b online meetings with selected operators from CILE and MEXICO.

To inform and involve you about the tools we will activate from 2023, contact our offices on 0577 937457.

Only companies selected will be able to access project funding instruments.

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