B(u)y Design is an integrated promotion project that combines the representation of the excellence of the Tuscan furniture-design system, an important commercial and training action dedicated to interested Tuscan companies that will meet: Industry players (selected architects, interior designers and retailers) at international level Internationally in 15 key countries for Made in Italy and especially for the interior design sector with the collaboration of MAE/ICE.

Starting from the launch event (1 MARCH 2022) open to the public, not only for insiders, will be organized periodically (every 1-2 months as detailed) training sessions dedicated to Tuscan furniture companies with specific focus on each of the 15 markets identified.


The project is dedicated to Tuscan companies in the furniture sector and foreign operators interested in establishing business relations with them (architectural firms, interior designers, retailers, etc.). Selected by ICE with the mediation and verification of CSM-dID.

Incoming in Tuscany

There are 6 incoming actions for a total of 80 operators that will be hosted in Tuscany for 4 days dedicated to b2b meetings with companies and visiting days in selected companies (compared to the specific interest of the operator) Individually conducted for greater and more fruitful interaction, with CSM-dID coordination.

Virtual B2B

For market areas where it will not be possible to organize incoming actions (e.g. China) virtual meetings sessions will be organized with the identified sector operators (10 per single market).

The topics covered will include:

  • market situation and trends with a specific focus on the furniture-interior design-Made in Italy sectors;
  • How to approach the market (strategies, channels and tools) also in relation to the Covid/pandemic theme;
  • support Italian structures operating in the country;

Programme of activities and target markets:

28 February 2022 – June 2023: project activity period

Incoming sessions: February-March ’22, June ’22, September ’22, November ’22, February ’23, May ’23

Each incoming will involve 10 to 15 operators grouped by market area (e.g. Gulf-Mediterranean Area February-March 2022)

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